I am one of those people who spend hours upon hours getting ready. I spend what seems like a lifetime [to those around me] agonizing over what to wear, how to wear it and what to wear it with and I am always plagued by the "I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR" syndrome. If I've worn it before and been photographed in it, chances are, I'll begin to hate it.
This to me, indicates how severely I lack the creativity gene.
It all started when I was just an incredibly cute, clever, sweet [albeit a bit of a spoiled] little kid, I've always had to wear something new because I'm simply not clever enough to play with the aesthetics of a good "look" on my own. Yeah, I was one of those that would wreak havoc every single morning over what clothes I'd wear.
I remember my frst grade teacher [her name escapes me, which seriously makes me feel ancient] telling us about the significance of the 14th of February, "Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, everyone should try and wear red or pink. But, please don't tell your parents you HAVE to do it, don't drag them out to buy you something." which to me meant, "Shopping trip. Drag your mom out and beg for a new outfit. Throw a tantrum until she relents. Or you will fail frst grade."
I went home and promptly informed my mother that it would be absolutely neccesary for me to buy a new red outfit, after I had rejected the two or three dresses I already had because, "These aren't special". Translation: I've worn them already!
And so, after a harrowing trip to the mall, I picked out a green [?!?] dress adorned with pink roses, I was satisfied.
Thus, began a vicious cycle of shopping uncontrollably. Story of my life!
I wonder what a therapist would make of this.
Anyway, I've grown up [slightly] and have realized that when inspiration won't come to you, you can go to inspiration...i.e scope out the runways and plagiarize the looks like there's no tomorrow!
Don't get me wrong, I don't condone purchasing knock-off Louis Vuitton bags from China Town [although, I would totally buy a fake Birkin..if there is such a thing!]. I just think sometimes, it's best to imitate [it is, afterall, the best form of flattery] then replicate [cause, Hey! I can't just be a slave to fashion! And I will not sit here...wallowing in self-pity...because I can't have that dress for $3,849 cause a girl's got to eat!!! Amiright? Can I get an Amen?].
So...here it is...
Runway Translated [volume 1]:

Left:Lera Sheremata for LV Women. '08
Right: Me going out [shopping & dinner].
I'd like to thank the good people behind the Louis Vuitton RTW Spring '08 collection. Love ya!
Model- Style.com
Me- Dress: H&M,
Cardigan: Forever21,
Tights: TightsPlease,
Shoes: Flats by London Sole.
This to me, indicates how severely I lack the creativity gene.
It all started when I was just an incredibly cute, clever, sweet [albeit a bit of a spoiled] little kid, I've always had to wear something new because I'm simply not clever enough to play with the aesthetics of a good "look" on my own. Yeah, I was one of those that would wreak havoc every single morning over what clothes I'd wear.
I remember my frst grade teacher [her name escapes me, which seriously makes me feel ancient] telling us about the significance of the 14th of February, "Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, everyone should try and wear red or pink. But, please don't tell your parents you HAVE to do it, don't drag them out to buy you something." which to me meant, "Shopping trip. Drag your mom out and beg for a new outfit. Throw a tantrum until she relents. Or you will fail frst grade."
I went home and promptly informed my mother that it would be absolutely neccesary for me to buy a new red outfit, after I had rejected the two or three dresses I already had because, "These aren't special". Translation: I've worn them already!
And so, after a harrowing trip to the mall, I picked out a green [?!?] dress adorned with pink roses, I was satisfied.
Thus, began a vicious cycle of shopping uncontrollably. Story of my life!
I wonder what a therapist would make of this.
Anyway, I've grown up [slightly] and have realized that when inspiration won't come to you, you can go to inspiration...i.e scope out the runways and plagiarize the looks like there's no tomorrow!
Don't get me wrong, I don't condone purchasing knock-off Louis Vuitton bags from China Town [although, I would totally buy a fake Birkin..if there is such a thing!]. I just think sometimes, it's best to imitate [it is, afterall, the best form of flattery] then replicate [cause, Hey! I can't just be a slave to fashion! And I will not sit here...wallowing in self-pity...because I can't have that dress for $3,849 cause a girl's got to eat!!! Amiright? Can I get an Amen?].
So...here it is...
Runway Translated [volume 1]:

Right: Me going out [shopping & dinner].
Model- Style.com
Me- Dress: H&M,
Cardigan: Forever21,
Tights: TightsPlease,
Shoes: Flats by London Sole.