I am impulsive and impatient, a terrible combination when it comes to hair. I have had my share of "Oops" moments and misadventures; actually I may have had mine, yours, and your neighbor's share of "oops" moments.
Cut all my hair off after a haircut that didn't "feel" new? Check.
Dyed my hair orange in an attempt to go lighter? Check.
Given my self bangs that were more baby-like than Zooey Deschanel? Check.
Got a perm? CHECK.
I've dyed my hair pink, I've chopped it all off, I've gone to a salon that heat-styled my hair so hard, it's completely changed texture. I used to have jet black, thick, silky hair. Now I have a brown, wavy, dry, and tangled mess.
It's like every few months or so some odd force will beckon me to mess with my hair. Really, I just can't help myself. I will go to a salon (Toni & Guy is my poison of choice) every other year; fail to explain what I want; and leave dissatisfied. It's a vicious cycle that I have attempted to askew by actually trying to cut and color...I mean I watched a whole two minutes of a 20 minute YouTube tutorial on trimming dead ends.
So I cut my hair, which wasn't as catastrophic as I believed but still a huge mistake. It's growing out alright, except for this one part that I basically snipped down to like two inches, because I was feeling avant garde and isn't that how Vidal Sassoon was made famous? Right. I also decided to go lighter for the summer but the thought of getting to a salon was so tiring (my son is crawling, not eating, teething, and generally driving me up the cutest wall in the world.) that I decided to go to Target, buy the L'Oreal Preference box in Ash Blond (light blonde=my hair becomes a tangerine) and rougly an hour later viola: a ginger head.
One the plus side, I love this ZARA dress with the gold zip. I'm obsessed with v-necks, gold details, and bright colors, and this tunic has it all. I hate mixing metals so this coat with gold buttons and my ZARA kitten heels with gold spikes, and YSL Cassandre easily tied the look together. I hate carrying big bags because I tend to stuff with junk and carry my husband's keys and wallets because he hates using pockets as they mess with his silhouette (insert pained expression and slow eye roll) so *whew this sentence is overrun like a mother trucker* oversized bags just get heavy. This bag isn't the lightest but it's a crossbody so there's that and also, I can only carry so much of someone else's burden. I sincerely hope there was no metaphor here.

Also I was heading out, I found like $15 in this coat I haven't worn in two years. Super success.
I'm also editing my pictures now, check out that soft glow. I use my iPhone and not my Canon Rebel because I'm weird and just THAT lazy.
Outfit Deets:
Jacket: Nordstrom (super old)
Dress: ZARA
Black Leggings: Forever 21
Shoes: ZARA
Bag: Saint Laurent