I recently tried a Social Media Detox, because honestly the green juicing detoxes seem daunting and I'm hangry under normal circumstances so an all-puree diet would be a terrible idea. I was feeling a little claustrophobic on the internet...the world wide web felt like a literal web. I had fallen into this routine of meaningless drivel and Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. were becoming a chore. I've always been relatively inactive on Facebook but I knew the status updates that annoyed me were just a toxic weight on my spirit. The constant flow of unfiltered news and images were draining on a small but significant level.
And so I began my Detox. I didn't set out with an end goal in mind, but I knew I had to step away. Below is a sort-of journal of my experience:
Day 1: I have to stop myself at least 10 times from opening Instagram, I absolutely fail and end up tweeting AND writing on Facebook.
Day 2: Limiting Facebook, deleted Instagram but still unable to not retweet. Resorting to double negatives is not a great sign. Tried to cook Thai Green Curry with chicken and it is tiresome because I am stressed I will poison my family. Buzzfeed is my lifeline right now. How else do I get the news? Fox?!!
Day 3: Felt like a failure so I tweet "Social Media Detox" and delete the Twitter app. I wait a few hours and post the same on Facebook. Ten minutes later I find myself trying to check my FB notifications so I delete that app too. How will my husband's cousin's friend contact me now? Woe. Made some fried Okra. Not easy when a baby crawls around trying to grab onto your legs. Onions are the worst.
Day 4: Lots of messages from people asking about why I needed a "social media detox". Patience, my friends. I will reflect, internalize, analyze, filter and then share. Something everyone on the internet should try every once in a while. Also, I have started listening to Beyoncé and I really don't mind her at all. Oh and I happened to write a pretty honest email to someone who was attempting to make amends. I think all of this clear mindedness helped me organize my thoughts into a brutally honest rejection. All ties may have been severed but I feel like a huge weight has been lifted all my shoulders. Purging negativity feels good. Didn't cook but ventured out beyond errands and took the kids for a picnic in the park. Reconnected with old acquaintances. Boy, kids grow up so fast. Also, thinking about starting a YouTube channel. Checked out TMZ and mentally slapped myself because NO.
Day 5: Never realized how hard it is to not comment on a Buzzfeed article. I mostly get my news from Twitter (via real eye witness accounts or links to articles) and (I'm not too ashamed to say) Buzzfeed because the comments are always insightful (not always a positive). Maybe I should avoid Buzzfeed. I will avoid Buzzfeed.
Day 6: Ended up on Pinkvilla, a Bollywood gossip site (!!!!!). I'm all caught up on the Katrina/Ranbir/Deepika drama. I'm Team Deepika. She's beautiful. Superficiality is my game. Walked around the neighborhood and got lost. There are some pretty well-manicured lawns in my hood. We need weed killer.
Day 7: Didn't touch my MacBook, iPad, and only used my iPhone for texting and calling people. I still don't trust texting. I need immediate human responses. Is that like old school hipster chic or just old? Spent the day at the library. It's the best. I can't stress how much I love libraries and books. Really.
Day 8: I broke my iPhone charger (for literally the 16th time) and I'm okay with that. Shopped in person instead of online and actually tried on and bought some fun stuff. Real life is fun when the weather is nice.
Day 9: The weather is no longer nice but I walked back from the library in the rain by myself. I wish it was profound and I could wax poetic about some cleansing of the soul but, really it was just cold. And wet. Ugh. I've pretty much given up trying to cook. It's so boring. And long. Worst. My phone charger is sputtering back to life...but, why?
Day 10: Had a perfect Mother's Day. Alhamdulillah. Resisted urge to snapchat my afternoon tea at The Drake. Queen Elizabeth and I have more in common now than just being being adored by my husband. Really. He loves the Queen. His queen. Cause he's British. My queen is Cleopatra because I'm American and we get to choose our leaders. Democracy, eff yeah.
Day 11: Stop reading post-apocalyptic/dystopian/fantasy novels at night. Especially those written for adults. They're sad. I'm sad. Someone come put this book into the freezer for me. And if you're too young to catch that reference, it's 10 o'clock. Do you know where your children are? Ha.
Day 12: I'm sick. And I have literally zero desire to return to any of my social media accounts, except surprisingly, Facebook. And Buzzfeed.
Day 12: I'm sick. And I have literally zero desire to return to any of my social media accounts, except surprisingly, Facebook. And Buzzfeed.
Day 13: Re-downloaded the Instagram and Snapchat apps but my phone charger completely died and I don't care.
Day 14: Reintroducing myself to "society" on social media.
In my fortnight away from my social media platforms, I learned how tiresome it is to feel like you need to share, instead of wanting to. There's an underlying pressure to stay relevant, especially when I don't personally know many of my followers...but I don't have a reason as to why. I blog because I enjoy writing and I share pictures on Instagram because it's fun...and that's how I will strive to approach it, keeping it fun and casual.
I don't want to try and I just want to be. And that's as deep as I will ever get.
As someone who loves to shop but hates to try stuff on, I end up regretting my decisions often.
I bought this sweatshirt from H&M because I am all about texture and silhouette, and the oversized studded sweatshirt looked comfy and cute. Unfortunately I miscalculated just how oversized it was and ended up with a bigger size than I should have.

Outfit Deets:
Top: H&M
Black Leggings: Forever 21
Shoes: J. Crew Lucie Mirror Metallic Slingback